Sunday, September 09, 2012

Chelsea Clinton puts M7's son, Muhoozi to shame!

All in the family: The president, commander of special forces & cabinet minister!

Chelsea Clinton puts M7's son, Muhoozi to shame. Unlike Muhoozi this daughter of former president Bill Clinton, graduated from a four year college and went on to earn an MBA.

You can tell how well someone is educated by how well and articulate they write. Chealse recently wrote an op-Ed about the trip she and her father made in Africa and the charitable work they've have done. Check it out at link below:

Building Tomorrow: one school at a time in Uganda

If Muhoozi earnestly got a worthwhile education from all those overseas schools he went to (most likely on Uganda tax payer money!) he can redeem himself from the specter of "the soft bigotry of low expectations" by writing at least an op-Ed about himself, his accomplishments and his views on democracy rather than having spin masters describe his worthiness!

Brig. Muhoozi

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